alicia bice

Why I Started a Blog

Alicia BiceComment

I’ve mentioned a few times that I have decided to blog as a business but haven’t really explained why. Before I get into that I want to take you back to the beginning.

I have actually had a blog since 2014 but I wasn’t really serious about it. I just did it here and there and honestly I just thought it was cool to have a blog at the time. I think my very first post was a writing prompt that Wordpress came up with. My first “real” post was about my online clothing boutique I had back then. I’ve pretty much done it all, haha. I wish I would have stuck with my boutique and with my blog, but oh well, I can’t go back I can just learn from it. Anyways, I did a post about going to market to buy clothes for my boutique and that was also the year I decided to run a half marathon in all 50 states. I had several people tell me they thought that was a cool goal to have so I decided to add that to my blog. For a while that was the majority of my posts, all the states I had ran so far. In 2015 I went to school to get my makeup artist certification and that’s when I slowly started adding beauty to it as well. I started posting monthly favorites, beauty box review, product reviews, then in 2016 I started adding in my first love, fashion. Towards the end of that year I decided to be more consistent with my blog and followed into 2017, but I hate to admit it, that only lasted the first few months of 2017. At the time I was working two jobs so it was hard to focus on my blog, instagram, and youtube. I was still posting on my blog, I just wasn't as consistent as I needed/wanted to be.

Fast forward to May 2018, the rebranding of my blog! In March/April of this year I decided to fully commit to my blog and really treat it like a business. I put YouTube aside for the time being and I hired someone to design a logo for me, I bought a domain name, and a website. I moved my blog from Wordpress to Squarespace and started over. I did bring a couple posts over from my old blog, but for the most part I decided to start from scratch. The same person that designed my logo also takes most of my amazing pictures for my blog and instagram. She has become a really good friend and I’m so glad she has helped me make my blog look so professional. Her name is Erika and you can find her on instagram here and here.

I am so happy with my blog and I enjoy it so much! The main reason I wanted to really turn my blog into a business is because I love sharing affordable and relatable content. That is my number one goal, to be relatable. I always have friends ask makeup advice and workout tips and I LOVE sharing that with everyone. I know it’s not easy for some people to do makeup, so I love being able to share what I learned in school with y’all. Anything that can make yall’s life easier is what I want to post. It makes me so happy to help people even if it’s as small as putting an outfit together, easy at home workouts, or simple beauty tips. I want to use this platform to make a difference and I hope to inspire each and every one of you to love yourself and be confident!

I hope this helped y’all understand why I decided to rebrand and commit to my blog! I also hope my content conveys my purpose! If y’all have any questions I didn’t answer never hesitate to reach out to me! You can also reach out if you are wanting to start a blog and need to tips or help on getting started whether you want to do it for fun or a business as well!

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Blogger, aren't we all though?

Alicia Bice2 Comments

 I decided to do a post on blogging/influecing as a career to explain a little more about what all goes into it. More and more people are quitting their "9 to 5" job to become a full time blogger and influencer, and I haven't really brought it up yet, but that is my end goal. Talking to several people about my blog and youtube, they didn't realize how much goes into all of it and how much interacting helps out. More on that later on in this post. I wanted to break down each category, blogging, youtube, instagram, and the steps that go into each platform. I also wanted to share some ways that you can help out your favorite influencers. In case you aren't sure what an influencer is there are a lot of different definitions, but overall it's a person who influences others with different lifestyle advice. So someone you turn to for their beauty tips, home decor inspiration, fashion advice, etc, because you value their opinion.

PS- Before I get into everything I just want to let everyone know that this is my perspective and what all goes into it for me personally. I just do all this part time, so the ones doing it full time put wayyyyyy more into it than I do. Probably everything I do X 100.

PSS- This is ging to be a lengthy post, (so grab a snack) but I wanted to explain everything pretty in depth for those of you who were curious.

Since I am doing this on my blog I figured I would start out with that category first. I post on my blog 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Once again this is part time for me and most full time bloggers post 5+ times a week. I thought I would break down my process by steps.

  1. Plan- I usually try and plan out my blogs posts at least a month in advance. Honestly, a lot of times they get switched around or I have a new idea that I will post instead, but I like having something written down. I bought a small planner just for my blogging so I can try to keep it organized. I also like to coordinate posts with my youtube videos, so I try and post them on the same day. I also plan around holidays and big sales happening.

  2. Pictures- This is something else I need to plan out. I recently starting taking pictures with an amazing photographer and now I don't want anyone else doing my pictures! She actually is the one who designed my logo here on my blog as well! So if you need pictures or a logo or anything like that definitely check her out! I will link her instagram here. Anyways, the pictures I do are for my blog and for instagram, so I usually need quite a few. That is why it is good to plan my blog posts ahead of time, because I know what outfits I need to take pictures of. Once I get the pictures back if I need to I edit them to get them ready to add to my blog. Thankfully, most of the time they are already edited!

  3. Writing- The most obvious step is to write the post. Most of the time if I have a topic words just start flowing. This is probably the easiest step for me. The hardest is probably coming up with so many new topics. There are a lot of things I want to write about, but I don't get a lot of feedback when I ask what people want to see, so I just have to write about what I think y'all will like. That is why I always ask questions at the end of my blog posts and on instagram and instastories, so I can try and create content y'all will like.

  4. Add Pictures- After I write my post I will go in and add all my pictures. It depends on what type of post it is that determines which pictures I use. Fashion posts I like to add quite a few, because I like to get different angles and close ups of my shoes and accessories. I usually like to take pretty detailed pictures for recipes as well. On my workout posts I usually only do pictures of workouts that are a little difficult to explain or that may be an uncommon move. I try to explain everything well enough for anyone to understand. Most of my pictures I save to my phone so I have to airdrop them to my computer and then add them to my post. That is a little time consuming as well.

  5. Linking- I don't know for sure what all goes into linking products for those who use liketoknowit, but for me, first I have to create a look on style collective, which is part of liketoknowit. If you aren't familiar with liketoknowit, it is now an app where you can shop your favorite outfits. Anyone that has linked their outfit with liketoknowit, you screen shot it and you will be able to shop the look on your app. You can also follow people on the app as well. So for me I start out with a picture of an outfit I took with my photographer, then I have to find each individual piece of clothing and accessories through hundreds of products and add them to my picture. This is probably the most time consuming. I am usually able to narrow it down to store and brand and that helps a lot, but I still have to go through a lot of clothes to find my items. Once I link them on my app, I go back to my blog and add the link to each picture and/or description.

  6. Tag- Tags on blog posts and on youtube are pretty much like how hashtags are on instagram. If people search for the tags on blogs and youtube it will pull up your post or video. I always try and tag all the brands I use and stores I've purchased from, as well as my category or subject of the post. If I do a post on ways to style a t-shirt, I will put that in the tags. I always tag the location where my pictures were taken and where I live for people who search those areas. Pretty much anything I put in my post I try to tag. There is a limit to how many you can put, so I try to add the main and most important ones first.

  7. Post- The final step after I have planned my post, met with my photographer, wrote my post, added pictures, linked everything that could be linked, and tagged as much as I could, I publish my post. I have it linked where it automatically shares to my facebook, twitter, and Pinterest, so I make sure those are on, then after all that I will share it on instagram. I will usually do a picture post and in the caption talk about my post, then I will put my blog post and my picture post in my instastories. If I don't do a picture post I will still share it in my stories that I put up a new post.

Since YouTube is the next lengthy category I will talk about that next. I try to post a new video once a week on Wednesday.

  1. Plan- This is pretty much the same step as my blogging step 1. I try to plan out my videos as best I can about a month in advance. Like I mentioned before, sometimes I will coordinate my blog and youtube videos, so it helps if they are planned out. Besides planning what the video will be on, I usually try and plan out what day will be best for me to film.

  2. Film- This is another obvious step, but I wanted to add it because a lot goes into this as well. I have a Sony a5000 camera I film with and I use my mirror lights on my makeup table as well as a ring light for my lighting. Nothing fancy. I don't have a microphone, but that is definitely on my wish list. I usually try and film on Mondays so I have plenty of time to get my video edited. If I have to work or have a busy day on Wednesday, my upload day, I will try and edit some on Monday night after I have filmed, then finish up on Tuesday. If I am free on Wednesday I will usually still try to film on Monday and I will spend most of the day Tuesday editing, and usually finish up on Wednesday.

  3. Edit- This is the part that is the most time consuming. Just to give y'all an idea, I usually film at least an hour sometimes more of footage, and if you haven't watched any of my YouTube videos, they are usually around 6-8 minutes long. That means I have to go through all of that footage and cut out the parts I don't want. I usually do voice-overs during my makeup applications because that is the easiest for me, but the intro and outro is what takes the longest because I say the same thing over and over until I like how I say it. I just use good ol' iMovie to edit my videos. Once again, nothing fancy,

  4. Thumbnail- So this is something that in all honesty is usually an afterthought. It may be because I took a little break from YouTube so I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things, but I usually forget to take a thumbnail picture. Thankfully, most of the time I think about it before I take my makeup off. I can also pause my video and screenshot a clip. For those of you who aren't sure what I thumbnail is, it's the picture that shows up on your video before it starts playing.

  5. Export/Upload- After I have finished editing my video I will export it to my desktop, which is just saving it as a file, and once it is finished with that I will go to my YouTube channel and start uploading it to YouTube.

  6. Description Box- While my video is uploading to YouTube I will write in my description box. This is where I will talk a little bit about the video and I always put all my social media handles, email, and blog link here. If it is a makeup tutorial I always list the products I use and talk about. This is another time when I will create a post on my style collective app and link all the products there. Once I have done that, I will come back to my description box and post the link to all the products I could find a link to. I can also add tags to my video like I do on my blog. Once again I tag the brands and if they have any taglines I will add those, and if it is a tutorial I will always put that too. Anything I think someone will put in the search bar that will bring my video up I will tag.

  7. Publish- Once my description box is done and my video is uploaded and processed it is ready to publish. After it goes live I will share it on all my social media accounts. It doesn't do it automatically, but it brings it up where it is pretty easy to do. I will share it to facebook, twitter, and Pinterest. After I have shared it to those, I will go to my instastories and tell everyone there that that a new video is up.

Last but certainly not least, Instagram. This is the platform that I am on most often, but it probably has the least amount of steps. I try and post a picture about 3-5 times a week, and I will post on instastories everyday. I have been slacking on my stories recently, so I need to work on that, but it has still been everyday. 

  1. Plan- You should have known by now the first step was going to be planning. I also try to coordinate my instagram posts with my blog and youtube posts. I can definitely be the most flexible with my instagram posts because I can always talk about what I need to in the caption. I also have to look at past posts to make sure they go well with my feed. So if I have a post planned and I look at my feed and I have a similar picture, I would need to change it.

  2. Pictures- Since Instagram is a reflection of my brand, my business, I want to have quality pictures. I still use my iPhone for some because I feel like the camera gets better and better, but once I started using a photographer, I don't think I could go back to taking outfit pictures with my phone. I guess this kind of ties in with step one, planning, because I have to get with my photographer to take pictures. Since there are steps within this step I will add those here: *Schedule photoshoot *Coordinate outfits and accessories *Steam clothes and organize the looks *Have the photoshoot (by changing into multiple outfits in bathrooms, cars, wherever.) Once the pictures are taken I have to wait to get them back, which is usually just a day or two. Thankfully my awesome photographer edits them too, so I usually don't have to worry about doing it myself. We are going to try and work on a preset soon, which is basically a filter we will design for my pictures so they will all look more cohesive on my instagram.

  3. Post- Once again since my instagram is a reflection of my brand I have to think about what type of picture I want to post. I don't want to post a similar picture back to back because they will be right beside each other on my account. I have to think about how my account looks as a whole, because brands and businesses will look at that when looking for a collaboration. This is yet another thing I try and coordinate with my blog posts and youtube. If I have a fashion post here on my blog I usually like to post that same outfit on my instagram. If it's not a fashion post, I will try and post an outfit that will go with the type of post. When I have a picture picked out and come up with my caption, I will tag the brands of everything in my picture as well as my photographer and her business page, then I will add my hashtags. I always hashtag the brands again, my location, and tagline the brands have, any tagline the location has, and different blog hashtags. Hashtags help a lot, that's why I usually have white a few. The last step before I post the picture is adding my location of where the picture was taken. That helps locals see the post.

  4. Share- Like my other categories the last step is sharing to social media. I will copy and share the link on pinterest and it automatically shares to twitter and Facebook. Even though for some reason it shares to the wrong FB page and the right page is listed on my instagram account, so I'm not sure what is going on with that. Since that happens I usually have to go to FB and share it on the right page and I'll share it on my personal page as well. Then I always share on my instastories that I have a new post for anyone who doesn't see it on their feed.

If you have made it this far into the post, first of all you're awesome, second of all, now you can see my tips on helping out your favorite bloggers/influencers. So what I mean by helping out is every influencer/blogger doing this as a business relies on interactions. Brands look not only at their content, (pictures, blog posts, videos) but their engagement on social media. This means out of all the people that are following them, how many are actually engaging in their content (liking pictures on IG, commenting on pictures on IG, replying to instastories, voting in polls, commenting on blog posts, liking videos on YouTube, commenting on YouTube videos, etc.) By doing all of these things you are helping out your favorites in so many ways. The more people that interact, the more likely they are to show up on suggested pages, and the more they will show up in your feed. All the time instagram changes up their algorithm, (I'm not even going to pretend to know what that means, I just know it changes who shows up in your feed......I think) and if someone you know posts a lot and isn't showing up on your feed and you want to see their posts, try being more active on their account. I had someone tell me they weren't seeing my posts, then they voted in a poll I had and replied to an instastory and they started seeing my posts.

The last thing that helps and then I will try and wrap it up is buying from a link an influencer provides. Obviously if you don't plan on buying it this doesn't apply to you, but if you want to buy an item anyway and you hear someone talk about a link to it, it is very helpful to use that link they provide. As you can see from above we go through a lot of steps to link stuff for y'all, (not complaining, I love sharing deals with y'all) and yes some of us get a commission off of the link most of the time, but once again this is our business, our job. My links are a little bit harder to get to, but I always explain how to get to it, and they are always on my shop tab on the home page of my blog. 

I just wanted to let y'all know I am not just talking about me and trying to get y'all to comment on my posts, this is for anyone you follow, but especially influencers because this is their job.   

Anyways, the main purpose of this post is to give more insight for those of you who didn't know what all went into an instagram post, blog post, or youtube videos as an influencer. It is also to help more people understand that it is hard work being a blogger, whether it be part-time or full-time. There are a lot of people who don't take blogging and influencing as a career seriously, not saying any of you do, but that's why I wanted to post this. I actually had an experience with someone not taking blogging serious the other day. It's kind of a long story and this post is already a book, so I will just link it for y'all. It's on my blog highlights on my instagram here

I hope this helped anyone who had questions about influencing and gave y'all a little insight to what goes into what I do. Like I mentioned earlier, all of this is my perspective and what goes into it for me personally doing it part-time. Hopefully I can one day do it full-time! Let me know if y'all have any other questions I didn't answer! Also, thank you to each and every one of you who read my blog and interact with my content! I appreciate it more than you know!

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For the Woman....

Alicia BiceComment

Someone shared this post on facebook and I wanted to share it here on my blog. Part of the reason I wanted to start blogging was to make a difference. If I could make someone feel better, brighten someones day, make it easier for them to style outfits, easier to do their makeup, make them more confident working out, whatever the case may be, I want to make a difference. Even if it's a small one.  I also wanted girls, women, whoever it may be reading my posts that it is ok not to look like the models in magazines and on TV, even girls on instagram. It is ok to be yourself and love yourself the way you are! A lot of people may not know this about me but I have struggled with self confidence. Only recently I have started being more confident and ok with how My body looks. We are always so hard on ourselves and pick ourself apart, but I am challenging each and everyone of you reading this right now to look in the mirror and say something you love about yourself today! Here is the post:


For the woman whose husband makes an "extra stop" after work every evening.

For the woman who is mourning the loss of a pregnancy nobody knew about.

For the woman who leads from the front even though she’s lost inside. 

For the woman who was fired for her fourth late because she’s been awake for a straight week with a sick child.

For the single mum who doesn't know how the utilities will stay on this month.

For the woman who has gone through 2 IVF's and tried for five years without success but still shows up to every baby shower for her friends. 

For the woman who still hasn't forgiven herself for the abortion she had 20 years ago.

For the woman who has a line of judging eyes at her and her children as she counts out coins and puts something back at the supermarket.

For the woman that opens the door to the news of her husband being killed overseas three weeks before he was to return home. 

For the woman that lives with anxiety because nobody understands what she could possibly be stressed about.

For the woman that gives to her family all day- everyday and just.needs.a.break.

For the woman that smiles at strangers all day in public- but weeps silently every night.

For the woman who has wanted to end it all but found strength to carry on. 

For the woman that heard the rumor about herself today.

For the woman sleeping next to a stranger every night.

For the woman whose genetics will never allow her to look like the ones in magazines.

For the woman that endures one broken relationship after another because there was no father around to teach her what love looks like.

For the woman raising a fatherless daughter and praying that history doesn't repeat itself.

For the woman who loves with all her heart who’s desperate to be loved. 

For every single woman that cries in the shower so nobody else can see. Because if you aren't strong-nobody is. 

Just because the water washes your tears doesn't mean you don't cry. Just because you cry doesn’t mean you’re not strong enough to handle it.

I am you. I see you. I am with you, I cry with you. I love you.

Author: Brittany Latham



Always remember that you never know what someone is going through. Sometimes a smile or simple nice gesture could turn someones day around. Please remember you matter and asking for help is not a weakness! I would love if everyone who reads this post will comment one thing the like about their self. Let’s spread positive thoughts! 

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Care/of Vitamin Review

Alicia BiceComment

I have seen a lot of influencers try and use care/of vitamins and I thought the concept was really neat. For those of you who aren't familiar, you take a short quiz and they customize a vitamin pack to your needs. You can add or take away any vitamins you want or don't want, and they send you a 30 day supply individually packaged. I do know that influencers get sent things and since they are using them or got them for free they often talk up the companies, but I wanted to tell you my ordinary girl experience.

One day I decided to sign up and I took the little quiz. It picked 4 different vitamin for me, Rhodiola, Astaxanthin, Magnesium, and Fish oil. I took the fish oil off because that is easy to get anywhere, and I kept the other three. Rhodiola supports endurance and recovery after exercise. Astaxanthin supports healthy skin. Magnesium helps maintain healthy bones. After I started taking these I noticed my face and chest breaking out more than usual, so I decided to stop taking them. I know that you are supposed to give new vitamins a while before stopping, it just aggravates me when my skin breaks out. I don't have the patience to wait and it's not like I HAVE to take them. If I had to guess it was probably the Astazanthin, since that one helps with skin. I thought about trying the other vitamins again and just skip that one but I haven't yet.

After I decided to quit taking them I decided I didn't want to receive anymore, so I got on their website and at the bottom where it said cancel your pack there was no way to click on it. It said you had to email them to stop receiving your packs. I may be overreacting, but that aggravated me that it wasn't easy to cancel. With email there is no telling how long it will take to get a reply. They actually did email me back the next day and canceled it no questions asked, I just wish it was easier to cancel. I don't like when companies try and make it harder to cancel or give you the runaround. It could just be their website or they may have been having trouble with it that day. That isn't the reason I canceled and it wouldn't keep me from recommending it, I just wanted to let y'all know.

All in all, I think it is a really good concept. Like I mentioned before they come individually packaged so it's great for traveling and really convenient if you get more than one vitamin. It is also very affordable and if you want to make it cheaper you can always take a vitamin away and add it next time. Let me know if you have tried them or want to try it out! If you do I will link their website here.

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