alicia bice

Trade Coffee Co

Alicia BiceComment

If you have been following me a while you probably know by now how much I love coffee. If you are new around here I just wanted to let you know………… I love coffee, haha. Anyways, I have been trying to branch out lately and drink different types of coffee and try local coffee shops instead of Starbucks, and for the most part I have been doing pretty well, but I still have to have my Starbucks. Let me know if y’all want me to do a post on local-ish coffee shops, meaning coffee shops in my surrounding towns.

A few weeks ago a newer coffee company reached out to me and wanted to send me a bag of coffee and I of course was not going to say no to that. Anytime a company wants me to share something I always try it out first before I tell y’all about it. I don’t want to share anything that I don’t believe in or don’t like. The coffee company that reached out to me is called Trade Coffee Co and they offer a huge variety of coffee from various different roasters. It is always freshly roasted coffee too which I love. It isn’t roasted until you place your order, so you never get pre-roasted coffee that has been sitting on a shelf for weeks or months. Under each bag it tells the next roasting day so you will know when they will be roasting the coffee you want. They always work with companies that have the same ethical values as Trade which is one more thing to love about the company. It seems like companies today just want to make money and they don’t care how they get products, so whenever I see companies with values that stick to them I love giving shout outs! They even make the roasters they work with sign a pledge before they go into business together and you can see that pledge online under roaster.

They have over 400 coffees to choose from and I think the coolest thing they have on their website is a quiz that tells what coffee you should try. You select if you are new to coffee or if you are a pro, the roost you like, the coffee machine you have, if you like traditional coffee flavors or different, ground or whole bean, and then it will pick a coffee they think you would like. You can try that one or of course go through all the other coffees and pick one. You can also see all the roasters they work with to see if there is one you already know and see which ones they offer.

I ended up getting something different from what the quiz picked for me, but I definitely want to try my pick next. In all honesty, I got the one I picked because of the name, but the flavors did sound good too. The roaster is Huckleberry and the blend is Blue Orchard Blend. It says it tastes like dark chocolate, caramel, and roasted walnuts. It also says on the bag that they donate a portion of proceeds from the bag to local and global charities, so I love that too.

I know this is a lot of information but I wanted to tell y’all as much as I could about Trade Coffee Co. You can visit their website here if you want to check out all the coffees or click here to take the quiz. I also have some exciting news, Trade Coffee Co. was nice enough to give me a coupon code for y’all to get 50% off your first bag of coffee that cost $25 or less! I don’t think I even saw a bag for that much, so that makes it even better that they are affordable! My code is just my IG handle, which is _aliciabice. Whenever you check out there is a place to add a promo code and that is where you will put my code.

I hope y’all enjoyed this post all about coffee! Let me know if y’all order a bag and tell me what you think! If you have an instagram and you post it tag me there too so I can see! Also, comment on this post if you know what movie Huckleberry is from.

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