alicia bice

Workout at Home Equipment

Alicia BiceComment

I love working out at home, so today I thought I would share my 3 favorite exercise products I use at home or at my Dance2Fit class. The best part is they are all super affordable and from Amazon. The item I use the most is my set of resistance bands. I have mentioned them here before and I have two blog posts with different exercises using them. There are so many things you can do with the bands, which is why I love them so much. My favorite exercises with these are booty workouts, but you can also work your legs as well. The set I have comes with 5 bands, a x-light, light, medium, heavy, and x-heavy for only $10.99! It is also available for prime. Click here if you want to purchase them. I also recently bought some fabric resistance bands that I like better because they don’t slip. They are also from Amazon and only $10.99 as well. I will link those here.


The next one is an exercise ball. To be honest with y’all I have been slacking on my exercising, so I haven’t used this much, but the times I have I loved it. The best part about it, it’s pink :). One of my favorite exercises to do with this is hamstring curls. I also have a few ab workouts I like to do with it as well. Once again there are so many different workouts for all three items I am mentioning. Pinterest is my favorite place to get exercise ideas. You can always look on youtube too if you need a demonstration of a workout. You can get this in 8 different colors and different sizes too. I of course had to get pink and I got the 65cm size. There is a chart towards the bottom of the item description that has different heights and what size ball you should get. I am 5’5” so it said to get a 65cm. It was $21.99 and came with a pump that was easy to use. This cost the most out of all three items. You can purchase the ball I got here.


Last but not least, gliders, or sliders, whichever you want to call them. Before I got these I would use paper plates. They are advertised for ab workouts, but I use them for abs and legs. You can get in a lung position and put one foot on a glider and lung back with the leg on the glider and stand back up. This is a really good leg/booty workout. You can also put one under each foot while doing mountain climbers. One more good one for abs is get in a plank position and put one under each foot and do plank jacks. You can do both legs at the same time or take turns with each leg. The possibilities are endless with these as well. These also come in different colors, but I got pink in these too :). There are 5 colors to choose from and were $10. You can purchase the gliders here.


All three items came with a little booklet showing you different exercises for each product. I honestly threw them all away because I knew I wouldn’t use them. I did keep them for a little while, but when I started cleaning I threw them away. Like I said, most of the time I just get on Pinterest to find workouts. Let me know if y’all have any questions about these products or exercises to do with them.

Do y’all like working out at home or a gym better?

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